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Writer's picturesteff

how bereal is healing social media presence.

Updated: Jun 30, 2023

what separates bereal from any other social media platform out there? it’s inability to edit your appearance. it’s no shock to anyone that social media is fake, they even made hashtags to spread awareness about it. you can’t believe anything you see on the internet or the media, taking “looks can be deceiving” to another level. everyday, at a random time of day, the bereal gods will send a universal “it’s time to bereal' notification to all their users, and ready or not, its your time to shine.

bereal is hands down my favorite social media platform right now. it’s such a simply idea that i spend many nights in bed, and car rides, thinking “why didn’t i come up with this?” it feels more intimate than other apps, and their users know it too. people are more hesitant to accept friend requests from acquaintances, but when compared to instagram or tik Tok, for the most part, its a “more the merrier” mentality. users pick and choose their friends carefully on the app, because, lets face it, there’s only so many people you really want to see you if bereal catches you at your most vulnerable state. bereal also has the chef’s kiss of all features in saving every users bereal picture to a calendar so you can go to the calendar and see what you were doing on any given day you took a bereal. it’s genius.

this app is single-handedly healing every unnecessary beauty standard that the rest of social media has put upon its users. with bereal, you only have two minutes to snap your picture, which isn’t enough time to really do much to your appearance. i feel like everyone is more accepting on bereal. everyone knows the concept of bereal is to BE REAL. if you’re laying in bed at 3pm and you haven’t gotten out of bed, or if you’re at the best concert of your life and that notification pops up, you better be ready to smile and send in your picture before the timer goes out to show all your friends what you’re doing.

not to mention how entertaining bereal is. the concept of everyone posting a picture at the same time leaves so much room for curiosity on what your friends are doing. it gives everyone a little taste of their friend’s daily life and lets you interact with the post. The interaction feature is so cute! you take a picture of your reaction to someone else’s bereal and it shows up in a little circle at the bottom of the bereal for others to see. reading all the captions people use on their bereal is half the fun. the quick thought process that bereal enforces makes people come up with the most witty captions or a quick description of what is happening in their post.

i hope alexis barreyat (founder & ceo of bereal) gets the last cookie from the cookie jar, gets all the blueberry jolly ranchers, has a constantly cold pillow at night, and finds the secret to eternal living, because he deserves it all. the man is a genius and i am more than happy to take a picture at 4am or 11pm any day thanks to him.

with all my love,


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