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Writer's picturesteff

love is in everything, we just have to notice it.

oh to be loved…but love is in everything. Love is in the early mornings. It’s in morning air, brisk with a slight chill, that welcomes you to a new day and congratulates you on the ability to rise once more ( because life can be hard). you can see love as the sun peaks out of the horizon, rising to start a new day full of opportunity for you to chase. the early mornings are quiet and still, allowing the time allotted to sit in your own thoughts and your own wishes for the day. there might not a lot to love about the early mornings, i mean what is there to love about being awoken from your deep sleep & your comfortable bed? but as the day passes, you'll find that the most peaceful part of your day was probably in that stillness of the early morning; to be at peace is to be loved.

there is love in the late nights, too. love in the possibility of what could happen and the new people and experiences you might meet & go through. there is a specific type of love that brews from the energy of the late night, especially with the people you chose to be your most free self with. there is love in the uber ride to the club and an excessive amount of love on the drunken walk back from the club. you are reminded of the love in the late nights during the morning after, greeted with a brutal headache and a dehydrated body. there is love in the “I’m never going out again”s and in the “Can you believe what happened last night?”s. keep this love strong within your heart, because this love can fuel a lifetime.

the colors of the sunset hold love. the complimentary pinks, purples, oranges, and blues that paint the sky are plastered in the horizon from love. love is in sunsets you chase, sunsets you wait for, and sunsets that find you after a long day. sunsets make your soul feel a little lighter, dress your skin with glitter, and highlight the best parts of everyone and everything. the amazement of sunsets never dims, we have all seen sunsets before, but are still amazed and impressed with every single one. we can’t fathom what needed to happen to be blessed with a show in the sky, but it lets us sit in the fresh air just a little longer and think kindly about the world around us and the day we just had.

there is love in nature. there is love between the wind and the trees, the soil and the plants, the wild animals and the rivers, and the people and the forest. there is a lot to love about nature, the intricacies of how we all live in harmony through the circle of life, and the curiosity of how we got here and how we maintain our way of life. there is love in different bones, in different continents, and at different elevations. where your feet are, there is love. below you is an earth sanctioned to you by love, and the love of those who want to preserve it. love is the most natural form of energy we posses, preserve it.

love is in family that you were born with and with those who you made family. the love for and from family is the quintessential form of love. loving a person unconditionally and wholly, forgiving them for the minor mistakes, & helping them heal & forgive themselves through the major mistakes. there is love between the parents that created you and there is love in hands that held you as a child. creating your own family is hard, but accentuate the most passionate and worth while kind of love. there is love between those you came into the world with and love between the strangers that somehow became more than just a random face in the streets. think of the love at every dinning room table, around every Christmas tree the morning of Christmas, and the memories captured in photographs throughout the years. love is selfless & kind.

love is in new beginnings, as much as you don’t want to believe it. there is love in how much internal belief there is in yourself to have to strength to leave behind what you knew, and find new purpose in a different place. there is love in the people you will meet, restaurants you will find, views you will see, and new hobbies you will do. the amount of love you develop for your new beginning brews from the anticipation and preparation you came in. there is so much love that we have yet to meet or experience yet, but with every new beginning comes with the chance of meeting that many more people and things we were meant to love in this life; love is continuous.

love is deeply rooted in hometowns. love hides in every corner of your hometown: where you had your first kiss, where you went to high school, where you biked around with your friends, where you had your first and last date with your high school sweetheart, and where you played your championship game to close out your senior year season of the sport you grew up loving. you appreciate your hometown, you wouldn’t be who you are without in. that place and the people in your 50 mile radius watched you, and all the versions of you that existed while you lived there. you bring little pieces of your hometown with you everywhere you go. You can hear it in the twang of your voice, you can see it in the clothes you dress yourself with, you can hear it in the stories from your childhood that you tell others, and you can taste it in the food that you bring to work potlucks or new neighborhood block parties. the warmth of your hometown lingers to you throughout the years and your hometown will remain exactly how you remember it to have been like; frozen in time like a time capsule waiting to be opened and reminisced on.

if you haven’t been convinced yet, there is love in everything. love is at country concerts & in the Starbucks caramel ribbon crunch that might as well be an adult milkshake. You can smell love in the flowers you pass by, feel it in the nights you go out, & hear it in the laughter that fills the air around you. There is so much love in the new chapters you open in life, and love that is followed in the many “last”s you will have in between all the new beginnings. Enjoy the love that comes with celebration, in best friends, in sport teams, in autumn leaves, in food, in the beach, in familiar places, and especially in hard goodbyes. I have found that if you love life, life will love back ten times harder; love in in everything…we just have to notice it.

1 corinthians 13:4-7

"love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things."

with all my love,


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