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Writer's picturesteff

two people who like each other enough to choose over & over again to spend time w/ each other.

meeting you has been one of the best things that’s ever happened to me & i think about that all the time. new york is over 1200 miles away from florida, 1200 miles away from home, & 1200 miles away from the people who feel like home. on paper, 1200 miles are 1200 reasons why we could grow apart, fade into the memories we made with no intention on making new ones, & becoming a face i only see on social media…but, in this reality, 1200 miles is just 1200 reasons why our friendship is that much stronger.

i’m glad we exist at the same time. i’m never too worried about other people not understanding the way i feel, because i know you will. i never have to wonder if i’m too dramatic for some people or if i am too much, because you always bring me back to the earth and laugh with me instead of at me. my friendship with you made me conscious of how everything i need is already inside of me, i was just lucky to have you in this life.

in may, we parted ways to walk different paths of life. we have different plans that no longer directly include one another & we will go through different phases of life & experience them through word of mouth instead of actually being there. i’ll think about all the restaurants we ate at, the streets we drove on, the people we talked to, & the clique we made that only included each other. i’ll miss you like before we parted in may, because your laughter lingers in my head after a good laugh i wish i could share with you now & your voice gently comforts me when my life here feels like imploding in on itself.

my psychology professor once said that we fall in love with people who make you love the person you are when their around, & there’s very little to nitpick about myself when i’m too busy of thinking about how happy i am in between conversation & how love can save people. this life is meant to be spent looking for all the people that make you become a softer person.

in every lifetime, we are friends. there are a million different ways we COULDNT have met. there are people that led us to each other that are no longer apart of our lives, buses we missed that led us to each other, & left turns, that were suppose to be right ones, that led to us to where we are now. all the different almost maybes of our lives were meant to happen that way & this is why i truly believe that in every universe, we are friends.

i think we’re friends in every universe because i see us in everything. i foolishly see us when i see peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, when i watch the moon greet the sun as it rises each morning, i see us when i watch two ants carry a crumb from the floor back to their home, & i see us in the little kids who giggle to themselves at the playground. thank you for being the person you told me you’d be, in this lifetime & all the other ones in between.

with all my love,


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