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Writer's picturesteff

welcome to the "ber" months.

Updated: Jun 30, 2023

The “ber” months signify the end of the year. That final stretch of another rotation around the sun! I always liked this time of year better than the beginning of the year, but I’ve always found more satisfaction in finishing something, rather than excited over starting something. This year, especially, went by fast. In June I was surprised that we were already half way through the year when I felt like no time had gone by at all. I find some comfort in this realization. I used to always feel stuck in places or situations, but taking the second to realize how fast December turned to April, or how quickly may turned into September, gives me the relief that change is inevitable.

Even though I’ve lived in Florida for eight years and was born and raised in Puerto Rico, the heat doesn’t nearly make me feel as home as the weather that fall and winter bring with them. While the outside world seems gloomier and darker, houses are more lit up than ever. People break out their Christmas lights, seasonal candles to fill the house, and people have brighter spirits in celebration of the holidays. People walk closer together in the chillier weather, huddling close for warmth, holding hands tighter in hopes of draining the heat out of the others body for their own. I think the feeling of colder weather is the reason I sleep in 66 degree rooms...nothing will ever compare to a cold room and a warm bed you cant get out of. Anyone who knows me, will know that I will always choose to be cold. I’ve had multiple sleepovers with friends begging me for another blanket for them to sleep with, boyfriends complain over how cold my room is at all times of the day to the point that they wait for me to fall asleep so they can turn up the temperature, and pets hide from the cold under the covers, and pleading with my mom every night, trying to convince her to turn down the ac at night. if im being honest, this one thing about me will never change (apologies if i've ever bullied you into sleeping in freezing weather conditions. i cant help it!).

With the beginning of September, it stimulates people to remember spring and summer fondly. Think about the heat beating down on them, the start of color blooming from the flowers, and the fluffy white clouds that the blue skies bless us with. This month is the beginning of the end. Preparing ourselves for what the end of every year brings, whether that’s excitement, regret, or fear, we all must prepare ourselves. This is the time to visit the beach one more time, wear out all the shorts and tank tops you have in your closet, and spend just a little longer outside to appreciate the depleting summer days.

I hope that in these last couple months of 2022, you find whatever you had intended on seeking out this year. I hope you always look forward for tomorrow and never live too far in the past, because time will always move forward, with or without you. I hope you lay in bed excited for all the love-filled holidays that bring people together. And I, lastly, hope you congratulate yourself for another year well done. Even if you had the worst year of your life or a rough couple months, you got through it, and on the 31st of December, at 11:59pm, you can let go off all the torment that this year poured onto you. A lot can happen in a year, you probably said goodbye to some friends, gathered some new ones along the way, and accomplished many momentous goals that you can happily carry with you into the new year. So whatever makes you feel the sun from the inside out, bring that with you into the “ber” months, lord knows how cold it can really get;)

with all my love,


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